Obama goes full Obama – women and minorities hardest hit.

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♬ He’s a one trick pony. One trick is all that horse can do… ♬

What I and a lot of other gunhuggers have been screaming all week ‘defies common sense.’ No reason given, I guess it’s self-evident. If ‘common-sense gun control’ isn’t what we’re preaching, that defies common sense. Moving on.

Question: Is hijacking a memorial for a sermon on gun confiscation more or less offensive than crashing a meeting for LGBT solidarity because it’s ‘too white?’

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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One Response to Obama goes full Obama – women and minorities hardest hit.

  1. Goober says:

    Huge missed opportunity to actually console the loved ones. Common sense dictates to me the politics is off limits in a memorial service. But apparently that’s not the sort of common sense Obama, the smartest mfr ever, adheres to.

    No, common sense, to the lightbringer, means passing laws that would have done nothing to stop this situation whatsoever. That, my friends, is the type of “common sense” Obama preaches. Make political hay at a solemn memorial touting laws that accomplish nothing at all.

    Sure glad he’s so smart.

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