…that his opinion of my management of the weather is lowering by the day, since Monsoon finally decided to do something. We just had a mighty flash followed by a most disagreeable kaboom, and he sees very little reason to be polite about that. Probably wants a word with my manager.
We haven’t had a real thunderstorm yet, where we’re right in the middle of it and really wondering when something expensive is going to explode and/or catch fire. That happened at least once, last year or the year before, and he didn’t deal with it well at all. Perhaps this brief incident was a reminder, can’t say. But he does wish to express his opinion that this “thunder” business could have been addressed in greater detail in the brochure.
That actually seems to be a universal opinion among the dogs that have spent time with me here, so maybe I should add a warning paragraph or two to the recruitment literature.
Some dogs take it differently: we ‘babysit’ a high energy, nervous pup here, and had some “thunder bumpers” roll through today. It woke her up from her nap, she looked around as if “What was that?” and went back to sleep.
We had a mature male in hurricane country that was left outside to fend for himself as a pup during a Cat 3 storm. (Not left out by us, that was before we got there). He’d start to piss himself if it clouded over. Understandable. (During one hurricane with us, after three hours he got up and started to pace, and finally selected one of the potted plants to pee in. Spilled not a drop. Good dog!)
Tobie should be instructed to not believe any brochure. The drinks are often watered, among other things.
Well, as long as he doesn’t start feeling sorry for himself…
Well as long as he does not ruin any of your fabulus accesories …you doing good.
Our 2 older dogs have Tobie’s attitude about “the Thunders”, but our new dog, a 6 month old Belgian Shepard is all “What? whatsa matta wit you?”, same with gun fire. He’s an awesome dog, really lucked out with this one.