The unseasonable mild weather continues, in a slightly moderated form. Like, yesterday it only spent most of the daylight hours in the fifties. I’m feeling better, that sore on my stump has almost entirely left and it doesn’t hurt anymore, which means…
…walkies are back on the menu. Which Tobie doesn’t seem to mind.
I brought a ladder over to Ian’s Cave and finished the indoors part of installing that new cell signal booster…
Not that it makes any difference in how well it works but at least it won’t be constantly getting knocked off the wall now. As to what failed…
That wasn’t hard to diagnose at all. If there was ever a strain relief on that wire it went away a long time ago. I installed the new yagi more carefully, and it should last indefinitely. I also mounted it higher on the mast: The original one didn’t quite clear the ridgetop and suffered from line-of-sight problems. This one’s signal is much stronger even though it only just clears the ridgetop.
This morning I was up rather earlier than usual, no doubt due to nerves because I have to do something I’ve been dreading. This confused Tobie. All winter I’ve laid in bed till light, 6:30 or even seven. He objected at first but got used to it. Now here I was walking around with a headlamp at five in the frickin’ AM, and he’s like…
I have a first appointment at the prosthetics shop in the big town about 50 miles away today. (sigh) The first time this ever happened, more than 50 years ago, it was a literal shop that smelled heavily of fiberglass resin. Except for the part about being prodded in a sensitive spot by a stranger, I felt right at home. Now it’s more-or-less a bureaucrat’s office, or at least that’s the way it’s run, and I hate it all the more.
I pretty much hate leaving my grubby little gulch for any reason, but this especially. This is a place where a) guns are expressly forbidden, and b) there’s a chance I’ll have to drop my pants so I can’t just ignore the rule.
One of the things I love about my grubby little gulch is that it’s located in a place where nobody cares what’s on your belt, except possibly as a topic of conversation. So naturally it’s 5:30 in the morning and instead of kicking back with a coffee I’m obsessing over what gun to bring and how to carry it.
Oh, screw it. If I can’t wear it I may as well carry the big one.