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Scary Manifesto that keeps getting pushed down on the sidebar by filthy capitalism!
They say that Louis XIV had the inscription Ultima Ratio Regum cast into all the cannon of the French Army. It means “The Ultimate Argument of Kings,” and that always struck me as one of the most honest and up-front things any ruler or would-be ruler ever said. “We can dress it up prettier than this, but when it comes down to the unvarnished truth this is what it’s about: You’ll do as I say or I’ll send my goons to kill you.”
I thought about that for a long time. If there’s an ultimate argument, it seems only logical that there must be an ultimate answer. For years I thought the ultimate answer must be the bullets in my rifle, but it never seemed quite right. I’ve got bullets – he’s got frigging Cannon Balls. I mean, if there were three hundred million rifles throwing bullets at him, then maybe. But we all know that’s not going to happen. So if there’s an ultimate answer to his ultimate argument, it sure as hell ain’t bullets.
It finally came to me – and that’s when I abandoned the city and most of my stuff, and gave all that was behind me a good stiff Randian Shrug.
The ultimate answer to kings is not a bullet, but a belly laugh.
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Category Archives: Uncategorized
“You know, they’re surprisingly small.”
I always had this image of the Concorde jets – they seemed huge in the pictures available at the time. But then I saw one when I was changing planes at De Gaulle airport… And the subject came up at … Continue reading
Tobie broke my belt…
In his defense he was provoked. There’s a heavy-duty carabiner on the end of Tobie’s heavy-duty rope, so that I can clip it to a heavy-duty loop of braided 550 cord that I slide over my heavy-duty belt – all … Continue reading
Concerning my nice Carhartt coat…
Terrapod asked… Hey Joel, how is that Carhart winter coat holding up? Is it time for a new one yet? My nice Redneck Cartier coat came to me in January 2017 after a rather convoluted drama, and I was delighted … Continue reading
The elk (and maybe the mulies) came back!
Two mornings ago Tobie woke me, very excited, to announce that something extremely important was happening outdoors and that I should get up immediately and let him out to investigate, defend against and/or consume, as the situation may demand. I … Continue reading
Hey, I’ve got everyday clothes and townie clothes…
…and unless you give me some warning my everyday rig is, you know, gonna be what I wear every day… But I didn’t know we were going into town. So I got stuck trying to tuck a low-rise holster under … Continue reading
Because I’m terrible at freehand chain sharpening…
…I had to find a source for new cutting chains before I could convert that pile of juniper in my yard into firewood. Oh, I sharpened the one chain but it never went particularly well and I was spending more … Continue reading
And here we are again already…
Another ton of wood pellets at D&L’s place. Unlike other times I had to take prior precautions to make sure I had two functional legs for this one. The knee is feeling better but this wasn’t the time to indulge … Continue reading
Not a leg left to stand on…
Which makes it hard to get your chores done, to say nothing of explaining all those truncated walkies to Tobie the Peripatetic Mutt. But… …my right knee, which is my only intact knee, started going south on me about a … Continue reading
Have you ever sat on the edge of your bed and just listed everything that hurts?
November is a depressing month…
It’s kinda funny that my most constant seasonal cue is that tree, right across the street from the water vending station Neighbor L and I go to every week. I guess because there’s nothing better to do while waiting for … Continue reading
Chose not to repeat a mistake from last winter…
In the Spring my redneck water heater’s hoses were so full of loose scale I couldn’t get any pressure out of the spigot at all. Took forever to clear it all out. I swore that this time I’d take the … Continue reading
Had to bake bread twice in one day…
This sort of thing has happened before but not for a long time… The dough basically doesn’t rise in the bowl or the bread pan at all. Stuck with the option of throwing it away or baking it and seeing … Continue reading
A regal pose…
Keeping me company while I took laundry off the line… He’s not always so dignified. Last Sunday at a get-together on SurvivalDave’s deck he met two ladies he doesn’t see often – and we’ve never met a female human he … Continue reading
The pear tree is a lot shorter…
When I picked the fruit in August I had a lot of trouble with the tall vertical branches in the middle, so I determined that before winter I’d prune them off. I hesitated, of course, because that’s a pretty major … Continue reading
A perfect photograph ruined by a dog’s perfect poop…
Tobie had his dinner and immediately began harassing me for his evening walkie. No problem; beautiful day, can’t wait. We got to the top of the climb on the beaten path between the Lair and Ian’s Cave. The moon was … Continue reading
And this is why the water tank going empty is a big deal…
We’re all on wells, we all built our own electrical and plumbing systems, we’re all on solar power which doesn’t always work even in the desert, none of us knew what we were doing, we all get dry water tanks … Continue reading
I’m sorry but this is so funny…
Where are those crying in laughter emojis?
Seems we weren’t the only ones to get a little snow…
From Commenter Eric, I don’t quite know where… That’s pretty impressive for November.
It got good and cold last night…
We don’t usually go into the teens overnight before December. Everything is working fine, the Lair is insulated against far worse now but I was surprised to get this kind of weather so early in the season. It must be … Continue reading
Huh. That’s new…
The snow finally slackened off around 10:30 and I went outside to clean off the solar panels on the ground mount. Turned out I could’ve stayed indoors… That’s not supposed to happen. Here’s what the roof-mounted panels were like at … Continue reading