It’s been a really dry winter so far, so…
…a quick half-inch or so of snow is noticeable.
Certainly Tobie thinks so. This is probably only the third time he’s ever seen it in his life, and he hasn’t gotten over finding it exciting.
My only thoughts toward it are a)mud, b)it’s supposed to stay below freezing for the next two days without break and that sucks, and…
…c) as soon as it slacks off I’d better go clean the solar panels, because yesterday was overcast as well and I probably shouldn’t have baked that pork yesterday.
Could have been baked lamb……
“I’d better go clean the solar panels”
I always appreciate it when you remind me of why I don’t miss living off grid. Thanks! 😉
That is one handsome dog,I’ll tell you what…
“…a quick half-inch or so of snow is noticeable. ”
A half inch of snow… Must be nice. After I post this I’ll have a little lunch then I’m out to snow-blow the driveway for the third time in twenty four hours.
Over the past day we have had just under a foot and it’s still snowing. I guess it could be worse, when the shies were clear last week the night temps were around -30 degrees.