“Alex Jones is where you go for real news, and CNN is where you go for outrageous conspiracy theories.”

I heard that phrase on a podcast that was playing in my ear while I cooked breakfast, and rushed over to write it down before I lost it.

It pretty much encapsulates the upside-down world I’ve been trying to wrap my boomer mind around for the past few years. Bizarro world. By nature I’m more of a news and politics junkie than is good for me, and lately I’ve tried to isolate my thinking from – as I constantly repeat to myself – all that bullshit. In my situation I can mostly get away with it, but never entirely. It all came back to mind when I ran into some neighbors a few days ago. These two are like my smarter, older brother and sister: I love them to pieces and would do anything for them, but I swear they get their entire worldview from what they’re spoonfed by the big box in their living room. They hate Donald Trump with all their collective heart and soul, had just finished raptly watching the first night of the “J6 committee hearing,” and they were both – how shall I put this – righteously outraged anew.

Longtime readers know I’m no big fan of Donald Trump, or republicans, or politicians and bureaucrats in general. But sheesh – I’ve never seen such a stereotypical example of ‘drinking the Koolaid’ and it makes me wonder how many people like that there are, waiting faithfully for the voices from the television to tell them what to think, say, feel, believe…

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to “Alex Jones is where you go for real news, and CNN is where you go for outrageous conspiracy theories.”

  1. Big Wooly says:

    Have them watch 2000 mules.

  2. Ben says:

    CNN and the ilk, vs Fox News and the ilk: it’s just two sides of the same coin. One-sided news isn’t news at all. I seek my news mostly from the middle few, and from perhaps an arm’s-length sampling of the others. I don’t need anyone to tell me how to think.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m getting to resent that I have to make sure the news that I hear is actually “news” instead of just what somebody is worked up about lately. Maybe it’s always been like that and the easy accessibility of so much news makes it obvious? Anyway, I’m constantly looking for a source that’s solely important news without all the headlines such as “this is what this big celebrity thinks about what we reported yesterday”.

  4. Joel says:

    I’m constantly looking for a source that’s solely important news without all the headlines such as “this is what this big celebrity thinks about what we reported yesterday”.

    Oh, boy. If you find it, please come back and share it with me. ‘Cause I’ve about given up the search.

  5. midwestmike says:

    There are many kool aid drinkers. Way more that than a healthy society should have.

  6. Kentucky says:

    . . . and many flavors of kool aid . . . way, WAY more that than a healthy society should have. 😉

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