And that’s why I always keep expensive ant poison.

We have a big black ant here, very industrious, very hostile, and for some reason they like to build their nests on packed-down driveways.

They’re not fire ants by any means but their bite – and they do bite – gives you a painful welt that will itch for a week. And they will climb you till they find something tender to bite, if you take my meaning.

They are not welcome near the Lair, and the local hardware sells a granular concoction that is sure genocidal death to a nest in hours.

Picture taken just before I left on a dump run with D&L:

Just after I returned 2.5 hours later:

Yeah, they think that stuff is delicious food – and the nest mouth was already littered with dead ants.

Screwest thou not with Uncle Joel.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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13 Responses to And that’s why I always keep expensive ant poison.

  1. TK421a says:

    If you remember, what’s the name of the product you use on the ant hills?

  2. Eric says:

    Ditto what TK said. I’ve used Diazinon forever and that stuff is like nuking them from orbit. however it was banned for household use years ago and my stash is almost depleted.

  3. WAYNE DYGERT says:

    Fifty fifty mix of borax and sugar has always worked for me

  4. Cederq says:

    You haven’t lived until you step in a red ant’s nest in bare-feet… in the South.

  5. Winston Smith says:

    Anybody with young eyes able to tell me what the active ingredient in that Amdro is. I know they reformulated from what it was in the 80s (i passed that stuff out like candy to the TX fire ants back when i lived there).

  6. Joel says:

    I don’t have young eyes but I do have the jug. 🙂

    It’s hydramethylnon, whatever that is.

  7. Malatrope says:

    I wish they had something equivalent that worked that well on the aggressive furry grey ground bees we have here. These things will carry yellowjacket nests to their burrow to eat the larvae.

    There is a powder that supposedly they carry into their nest, but you have to use a lot of it, and it’s best to approach the nest only when the temperature approaches freezing. It took several applications of it to get rid of the last nest I killed. I think the stuff is like cocaine: it feels really good to them until they eat enough to kill themselves.

  8. terrapod says:

    I make my own ant traps with old plastic food containers and a mix of Borax, some cheap pancake syrup and cheap sugar with water Drill 8 1/4 inch holes about 3/4 inch above the bottom of the container all around the perimeter and pour in just enough mix to be just below the holes. Set it in a corner of the kitchen (I had those small sugar seeking ones trying for the pantry) or near the ant hole and forget it is there. In a few days you won’t have any ants. Put the lid on the container (I use old Cole slaw or Chinese plastic takeout tubs) Work like a charm.

    Here is the article:

    The recipe for homemade ant killer is three parts sugar to one part borax. This means that one cup of sugar can be used with 1/3 cup of borax. Mix these ingredients in a bowl to be sure all lumps are crushed and loosened. Add enough tap water to make the mixture thick and pasty, without being runny. Around 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water should be sufficient to attain this consistency. Using a fork or whisk, stir the water into the mix and then add approximately 1/4 cup of syrup to the mix. This should create a thick goo which will be irresistible to any household ant.

    I keep the extra potion in an old refrigerator. Put out new traps each summer and toss the old ones in the trash.

  9. I’ve used the Amdro ant block/bait for 5-6 years to good effect. Some smaller ants don’t seem to go for it – but those that do rarely need a re-application. IIRC – the mfg. would have you believe the stuff has a 6-12 month effective life – my experience is that 2 yo stuff works just fine.

  10. Whoops – hit “post” too soon. The 2 yo stuff works just fine when stored indoors at reasonable room temps.

    Another handy item is Mosquito Bits or dunks if you’ve got standing water suitable for skeeters. Also works against fungus gnats in potted plants.

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