And while not ignoring the evils we have abetted in the world…

It’s not yet time to give a blowjob to that 12-gauge. Wash your mind out with this, and tell me you didn’t walk through the photo exactly the same way I did…

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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5 Responses to And while not ignoring the evils we have abetted in the world…

  1. Hmmmmmm…I’m thinking that I viewed it the way most would. I say the black lettering marring the white pants is what steals your eye away from the object of the message…tis not the fine fanny……right?

  2. Trey says:

    Lovely back-side (yow!) > writing > dog (confirmed) > who is the dog about to run over? > oh, there’s a license plate, where is this? (undetermined)

  3. Matt says:

    Dog? There was a dog? Who cares about the dog?

  4. LJH says:

    My screen resolution isn’t good enough to read the message without enlarging the image, but DAMN, a blind man could make out that ass!

    Could be comrade Obama himself driving the car, it ain’t what anyone is gonna notice first. Oy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    And me a “legs and butt” man ….
    This puts me in mind of the “Mans Gayness Test”. Which is a photo of a buxom young lass in the loose barely Not revealing top [with a side slip nearly happening] and skin tight jeans holding a compound bow at full draw on an archery target in the back ground.

    The caption reads “If the first thing you noticed was the bow …. I have some bad news for you.”

    [Sorry I didn’t keep the link.]


To the stake with the heretic!