Clear and cold…

Weather broke yesterday, and just in time as far as the batteries are concerned. Yesterday was nice and clear, still and cold. With clear skies all night you can bet it was plenty cold this morning. Forecast says it’ll stay below freezing until Saturday and not really warm up till Monday.

The cold has driven everybody indoors, so it’s been a quiet week with few texts that might send me running for the Jeep. I’m having a Larry Correia reading festival. 🙂

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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7 Responses to Clear and cold…

  1. Mike says:

    It’s been snowing here since around nine this morning at a rate of an inche an hour… Trade, ya! ☃️🌨️❄️

  2. Hammer says:

    After three snows in a week we are expecting -20 to -40 over the weekend in Copper Basin Alaska!

  3. Joel says:

    Trade, ya!

    Nuh uh. No you won’t. When I shook the dust of California off my feet I had to choose between the SW high desert and Montana. I was born and mostly raised in SE Michigan, and even when I was young that was more winter than I wanted. If I ever live in a place with MORE winter than that, I’ll have arrived in a boxcar.

  4. Spud says:

    Even the sw desert is too cold for me. Here in çentral Floriduh it is in the mid sixties today. Every stinking bone in my body hurts lol

  5. Mark Matis says:

    Yeah, Spud, but all the d***d Yankees are screeching how they LOVE this weather!

  6. Spud says:

    Yeah Mark Matis God bless those d***d Yankees. We could live without their opinions

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