Comment trouble?

I got an email yesterday from Regular Reader Kentucky saying he tried to leave a comment and only got an error message. Can’t help noticing that the newest comment on the blog is two days old and I was expecting more.

I have, of course, proven completely unequal to the task of tracking down any comment-related problem with WordPress. Everything has been updated, I swear. This is discouraging and tiresome.

So do me a favor, will you? If you have found yourself unable to leave comments on TUAK, don’t respond to this post. 🙁

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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22 Responses to Comment trouble?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Loud and clear!

  2. hightecrebel says:

    I can’t comment from the reader or via the WordPress email subscription set anymore, but the website works fine. And those aren’t limited to TUAK, it won’t work on any of the WP blogs I follow, so I assume it’s a WP issue.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “No commnent”

  4. nbc says:

    I’ve not seen this message before, it is at the top of the page above the blog title. Hope it means something to someone:

    Deprecated: Hook custom_css_loaded is deprecated since version jetpack-13.5! Use WordPress Custom CSS instead. Jetpack no longer supports Custom CSS. Read the documentation to learn how to apply custom styles to your site: in /home/joelsgul/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6078

  5. Joel says:

    I’ve not seen this message before, it is at the top of the page above the blog title. Hope it means something to someone:

    Yeah, my fault. I made the mistake of accepting all the recommended updates and now the software doesn’t like something about my header or something. WordPress is pissing me off, but at least I’m comforted that the comments aren’t completely broken for everybody.

  6. Bigus Macus says:

    Giving it a try.

  7. Klaus says:

    From the mountains in the NE ie behind enemy lines. Seems to work fine

  8. boynsea says:

    OK from N AZ

    So, did your ‘spy’ lizard move on, or were his little feet stuck to the new paint?

  9. Ben says:

    Testing, testing

  10. Paul B says:

    Had not noticed any issues

  11. jed says:

    From what I can tell, commenting on WP blogs is dependent upon the theme. Some places I can comment, others I can’t. Yeah, not much help, I know.

  12. jed says:

    Trying again, different browser, different settings. Some WP blogs, I can comment on, others not. Makes me think it’s dependent on the template. Shrug.

  13. Linda says:

    Good evening, Joel. We’re here as usual.

  14. bill says:

    All good here.

  15. feralfae says:

    Looks fine from Montana

  16. Anonymous says:

    OK, buddy, you’re asking for it.

  17. Plug Nickel Outfit says:

    I doubt this will be all that helpful – but I do notice a difference now on the blog starting this eve when I dropped in.

    It was about a year, maybe a year and a half ago when the comment form stopped loading when I’d drop by with javascript off and cookies disabled – prior to that I could comment with my usual browser settings. Since there wasn’t anything that I needed to comment on I didn’t bother changing my browser settings to see if the comment form would load.

    So tonight the form is out there plain as day and I’m using my usual config of no javascript or cookies. So ~something’s~ different!

    Now we’ll see if the comment will post…

  18. Terrapod says:

    A few months (or was it years?) ago, there was an issue with posts not posting at TUAK. Seem to recall it too was after one of those “oh so not helpful” updates. Yet here we are, plodding on.

  19. Kentucky says:

    Just trying again.

    It occurs to me that on the previous attempts I was not presented with the format to fill out.

  20. jabrwok says:

    I’m a bit late replying to this one, but I was able to see other people’s comments, but apparently couldn’t post any of my own, and I didn’t get e-mailed updates of new comments either. Your new posts showed up in my e-mail just fine.

  21. jabrwok says:

    Looks like I wrote too soon. Looking at your actual site, there are plenty of posts that never made it to my in-box either:-(.

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