Kurt Hofmann seems to be going for the TJIC prize.
You decide: Would you class this as a death threat, if you were named in the paragraph?
We are often told that the terrorists “hate us for our freedoms.” One might argue, though, that if that is what defines a terrorist, perhaps it is people like Rep. Lowey who should be taken down by Seal Team Six.
Me neither.
But neither of us are in the house of representatives.
Regardless of how the writer and Examiner.com feels [sic] about the issue of gun purchases by individuals on federal terror watch lists, I would hope you would agree that suggesting violence against Members of Congress – or anyone for that matter – is beyond the pale. It is not clear to me how this made it through your process, but I would appreciate an explanation, along with a retraction and an apology for Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY).
Someone is either being a big oversensitive baby, or is making a serious bid to chill free speech. Or both; they’re not mutually exclusive.
The previous Irish government (different party names, same shite) claimed that their ministers required armed body guards and armour plated limousines – because someone might try to assassinate one (or more) of them.
Their bluff was called by some “joe the plumber” type, who stated the truth:
“None of the buggers is worth shooting”
or words to that effect.
I suspect she also doesn’t people mocking the government’s ridiculous “they hate us for our freedom” propaganda.
Also, a bit of searching quickly turned up ample proof that Rep. Lowey just _loves_ violence against anyone–she follows the standard “Amerika uber alles” line on foreign policy.