Every day in every way, I’m getting civilizeder and civilizeder.

A brace of red-letter days!

Yesterday I got back to the Lair late. After installing the new check valve in M’s well pump outflow pipe and (hopefully) fixing the system, I met with the fellow who’s helping me haul off the Interim Lair to parts unknown. The boys and I got back to the (permanent) Lair a bit later than usual, and while hanging up my coat I happened to notice that the level in the toilet’s (did I mention I have a flush toilet? It hasn’t flushed under its own power lately, but it’s really there) bowl was up to regulation level, which it definitely hadn’t been in the morning after I “flushed” it with dirty dishwater. As far as I know the only way to raise the level in a vessel of water without reducing the vessel’s depth or diameter is to add water. If water had been added, this meant that ice plug I mentioned earlier had broken up.

Giddy with excitement – yes, I’m easily excited – I took the three steps to the sink, lifted the valve toggle, and … AGUA! I mean it didn’t even spurt, just flowed like nothing had ever been wrong. Wondrous! This morning on the way to Landlady’s property I stopped at the cistern and measured the level. It’s right at the level where I last measured it, a little before three in the afternoon. So it must have bled back a little overnight, but “normally” it would be just about dead empty. So my new check valve is working, and it looks like we have a fix.

This morning – any minute now, in fact – I expect a call from The-Guy-Who’s-Taking-The-Interim-Lair-Away. Unless something goes horridly wrong thereafter, between us we will make one of Landlady’s fondest dreams come true. No, not the one involving Daniel Day-Lewis. The one where her property contains not one single RV trailer.

Just barely making the deadline, too, I’ll have you know.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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One Response to Every day in every way, I’m getting civilizeder and civilizeder.

  1. Cool! Just don’t go gettin’ all high falootin’ on us now with yer indoor plumbin’, runnin’ water ‘n all : )

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