[Expletive] I am very disappointed.

Having decided that I do like the Arex as my new carry pistol after all, but really don’t like the optic it’s attached to, I did something extremely bourgeois…

I purchased another, better optic. The optic of my dreams, actually, if I started having one of those. And it had the appropriate adapter plate and everything. Unfortunately I was forced to conclude, after half an hour of fiddling followed by another half hour of trying to deny reality, that it did not have the appropriate bolts. Nor could I find any elsewhere.

I am very disappointed.

This thing cost almost as much as the retail value of the gun. Now I don’t know whether to send it back for a refund or hang onto it in a probably futile hope of getting it to attach to my pistol through luck or synchronicity or the benefit of my overwhelming virtue or something – I have no clue how to find a local gunsmith.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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11 Responses to [Expletive] I am very disappointed.

  1. Marla says:

    My husband suggested Brownells or Midway if you know the size and thread of the screws you need.

  2. Irving says:

    Usually, an RDS comes with screws; whether they wind up being the correct ones is anyone’s guess. But, an email to the sight mfg referencing the gun to which you intend to attach the sight should produce some useful info, probably even a shipment of the correct fasteners; they usually know which gun takes what screws.

    Here’s an outfit that sells lots of different RDS miunting screws:

    And, I’ve found C&H Precision helpful in the past, they make all sorts of RDS adapter plates so they’re fluent in “what fits what, and exactly how?”


  3. Mike says:

    I’ve had this issue in the past, and what Irving wrote about contacting the manufacture with the make and model of the gun and asking for the correct screws is spot on.

  4. Jay Bee says:

    Definitely contact the manufacturer. I’ve had to contact 2 different optic manufacturers for different reasons and both times they went above and beyond my expectations. In both cases I was upfront about not being the original purchaser but that didn’t seem to matter to them.

  5. Joel says:

    I took your advice and left a message on the holosun website. If that gets no results by early next week I’ll use the help telephone number included on the package. Probably should have done that first except I’m neurotically introverted and hate talking to strangers on the telephone.

  6. Paul B says:

    I wanted a holo sun for the p320 I bought to be compatible with the Henry homesteader I have. It had a plate I took off and then the pattern was “weird” so I had to get one they had in stock that would fit. Ended up gettting a leupold. I wanted the green ring like holosun but not have a red dot. Time will tell if I switch it or not.

  7. Irving says:

    @Paul B RE: “green ring”. Take a look at the Holosun 507Comp, comes in red or green, and the reticle is “user choice” – 2 MOA dot by itselt, or 2 MOA dot with 8 MOA circle / 20 MOA circle / 32 MOA circle, and the 3 circles without the 2 MOA dot. I found the dot an 8 MOA circle just makes an 8 MOA dot, but with the 20 MOA circle you get the speed of a circle with the precision of the dot. And, it’s a larger than standard window so it’s fast to acquire.

    Downside is it’s a considerably larger sight than the 407 or standard 507, so while you could put it on a small gun – think Hellcat size – it would be awkward. On an XTEN it’s still large. I wear a Hellcat Pro around the house (very rural area and I got tired of picking up a gun every time I ventured outside) and I put a green 407 on it.

    And, if you like the dot/ring for a long gun, look at the 510C. I put a green one on on my 1301 and like it. The 510C is really just Holosun’s version of the EOTech for $100 less but the 510 comes with a QD mount.

    As for the “weird” screw pattern you found on your 320, take a look at a 320 XTEN – no matter what sight you want to mount on it, getting the right plate & screws is like rolling a 7 five times in a row on a 10-sided D&D die. It can be done, but…..

  8. Zendo Deb says:

    A local gun store, if one is handy will probably know where to find a gunsmith, or have one who stops by a couple times a week. I’ve had to avail myself of that a couple of times.

    Failing that one of the gun sites, like AR15.com (Though they used to be annoying if you were not a member – I haven’t logged on in ages)

  9. Plug Nickel Outfit says:

    If you run a search along the lines of ‘arizona ffl directory’ you’ll find a handful of websites where you can look up Az ffl’s – usually by zip, city, or county. As I’m sure you know, not all ffls have a public storefront – so there may be more in your area than you already know of.

    The reason I mention the ffls is that a lot of gunsmiths – or people that call themselves that – are licensees. A lot of the ffls in the directories I pointed at earlier even mention if they offer smithing services – so you may be able to track down a smith that way.

    I don’t recall all the details – but I’ve heard from licensed smiths that they do have to do logging and poss. even bg checks when transferring firearms.

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