
Hooya! On budget and on schedule, we poured the foundation piers for Joel’s Secret Lair this morning. The three big floor joists are very square and level, and assuming nothing collapses before the concrete sets up we’re good to go!

I had to choose between the danger of things collapsing under the weight of the very, very heavy lumber on the one hand, and the absolute certainty that the lumber clamps wouldn’t line up right on the other. With considerable trepidation I went with Curtain 1, and so far that’s showing itself the right decision.

Of course no proper foundation can ever be laid without a proper foundation sacrifice. I don’t know the gods are out there – but I don’t know they aren’t, either, and why take a chance? So I deposited a pagan gift of my best .30-cal ammo into each of the cardinal points before we poured concrete.

And that’s one of the hardest parts, now done. Tomorrow we work on water! Specifically, a means of removing water from a deep well that doesn’t involve rope and a coffee can.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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2 Responses to Foundation!

  1. Thunder says:

    Wow! Have a few friends show up and all kinds of things happen at an alarming pace!

    Congratulations on the beginnings of the Secret Lair! Can’t wait for more updates on its (and you and your friend’s) progress!

  2. warren says:

    Rats! I built a similar foundation but I made no such sacrifice. Yours is worthy. I may have to make more significant sacrifice as my work continues on my place. Anyhow, great idea!

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