…and unless you give me some warning my everyday rig is, you know, gonna be what I wear every day…
But I didn’t know we were going into town. So I got stuck trying to tuck a low-rise holster under a hoodie that pretty much stops at the waist.
We were just supposed to go to the dump today.
No big deal. And no reason to put on townie clothes.
Didn’t know till we were done that L had errands she wanted to run in town. And while we were there I should take the time to get some more eggs.
In this particular town it really doesn’t matter. You see people walking around with open sidearms all the time. But since the law that forbade concealed carry changed over ten years ago I got into the habit of covering my gun just because I don’t like attention, positive or negative. And now here I was buying eggs with my Arex hanging out. It was kind of irritating. If I’d known we were going to town I’d have worn something with a longer hem, is all.
On the way home I reflected on the nice sunny warm day, and decided to break a(nother) personal rule.
If I could get home while the sun was still beating on Ian’s solar panels, I was going to chase the pressure pump’s effect on the batteries and have maybe the last shower of the year.
Gad, I love that shower. You really don’t know what a blessing the simple shower is till you’ve gone a decade or two without one.
It adds complication, but cannot the generator be pressed into service to support the pump for long enough to take a shower?
I’m assuming the issue is “the pump sucks the batteries dry and the panels can’t keep up with the drain.” 1600 watts for an hour is not enough to overcome that?
Separately, there are available on Amazon several rechargeable hand-held shower units; drop the pickup into hot water, use like any other hand-held. We’ve used them on camping trips (and have also used the Zodi water heaters) and while they’re not at all like the 60 PSI grid-supplied unlimited hot water system at home for showers (tankless NG and a county water system), they’re considerably better than nothing, despite the requirement to heat the water in advance (which is a PITA with a wood fire, but it does work). How well one would hold up with that crap you have to use in place of real water, I dunno, but, maybe a frequent vinegar flush would help.
That’s a pretty fancy shower for a cave. My house doesn’t have one that nice.
I’m glad you didn’t do the “shove the handgun into the back of your waist, Tom Selleck, Magnum PI style,” of carry. The last thing you want in a public place is your pants to drop and the pistol fall to the floor.
Your neighbor sure has a nice shower, BTW. that whole living off the grid thing is for tougher people than me, I guess.
I decided long ago that concealed carry, meant concealed, so I adopted the less than comfortable method of inside waistband. Probably because I was a non permitted carrier in Commiefornia. Good holsters aren’t cheap, my current IWB, was “only” $88 after tax, kydex, because leather costs twice as much and doesn’t like sweat.
I’m used to it now, 42 years down the road. Some of that time was with either a 1911 or Commander. My G19 is small/big enough to live with. Once in a great while, I’ll sub my G26.
A couple times I ended up in public, here in Tennessee, without a cover garment and it doesn’t even get a glance.
Someone who shall remain nameless recently found himself lying on the exam table at a VA medical facility when the tech said “Do you have any coins or metal in your pockets? ” Nameless replied “Just some coi…” OMG, how embarassing. First time “he” forgot to divest himself of his EDC before entering a Fed Facility. Tech was cool “Just put it on the counter. I’ll cover it with a towel in case someone walks in. Don’t forget the knife in your back pocket.” Jeez.