I got it off a progressive site, which means it’s probably a lie. But if true, and I still depended on conventional “employment,” I’d find it chilling.
$4.99 buys it.
Will Blog for ISP Time, Glaucoma Meds, or Cheap Booze.
Free! (and worth every penny)
Scary Manifesto that keeps getting pushed down on the sidebar by filthy capitalism!
They say that Louis XIV had the inscription Ultima Ratio Regum cast into all the cannon of the French Army. It means “The Ultimate Argument of Kings,” and that always struck me as one of the most honest and up-front things any ruler or would-be ruler ever said. “We can dress it up prettier than this, but when it comes down to the unvarnished truth this is what it’s about: You’ll do as I say or I’ll send my goons to kill you.”
I thought about that for a long time. If there’s an ultimate argument, it seems only logical that there must be an ultimate answer. For years I thought the ultimate answer must be the bullets in my rifle, but it never seemed quite right. I’ve got bullets – he’s got frigging Cannon Balls. I mean, if there were three hundred million rifles throwing bullets at him, then maybe. But we all know that’s not going to happen. So if there’s an ultimate answer to his ultimate argument, it sure as hell ain’t bullets.
It finally came to me – and that’s when I abandoned the city and most of my stuff, and gave all that was behind me a good stiff Randian Shrug.
The ultimate answer to kings is not a bullet, but a belly laugh.
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Previous OPSEC Violations
Unemployment or just folks who have migrated to the underground economy?
Our new taxes here are said to have bred a multi Billion dollar underground economy, that is just in the province of Ontario. Government is currently asking neighbours to turn in their neighbours who are not carrying their fair share of the weight. Not toooo much of that happening as if you pay under the table you save about 20% minimum. 15% off the top in prov and fed taxes and more in pay roll taxes that the employers/employees don’t have to pay out.
Its a win win for everyone but the government..win win all the way.
Unemployment or just folks who have migrated to the underground economy?
Heh. Well, yeah. There’s that. ;^)
Yet I do wonder how many people – as a percentage of the whole – really go that route. Me, I’ve never had the right attitude to make a good citizen, even when I tried. But it seems to me an awful lot of people would be shocked at the thought of opting out of the consumer/employee/taxpayer box, if the thought ever even occurred to them, and will piss away their resources rather than go freelance.
That animation is accurate enough. It’s the latest update of one that’s been running around various financial sites for over a year now and it’s been picked up and used by everyone from doomers to pinkos to support their pet theories.
“Double Dip” my lilly-white arse. “Single Plummet” would be more accurate.