I’ve said for a long time that I’m glad he spends so much time on the golf course, but…


“The president walked quietly into the cafeteria of the school, tieless but wearing a blue jacket,” read the latest White House press pool report. “Eric Schultz accompanied him. Obama stepped to a podium and delivered his remarks, then turned quietly and walked out of the room. The room was silent as he did.

“Afterward, the motorcade drove to the Vineyard Golf Club.”

Man. When this guy takes a vacation, he takes vacationing seriously.

I’m just gonna go ahead and plan to never put myself in any situation where my only hope is rescue by Obama.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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2 Responses to I’ve said for a long time that I’m glad he spends so much time on the golf course, but…

  1. Goober says:

    I am generally pretty skeptical about foreign wars, and find myself being against them more often than not, but I’m here to tell you…

    If putting the hurt on barbarians that are ruthlessly slaughtering it’s citizens is not within the purview of good government, then what the hell IS?

    I mean, seriously, is it too much to ask that the guy at least PRETEND like he gives a shit?

  2. PJ says:

    It’s not our problem. We are not the cops of the world, nor should we be. Maybe when people see this, they will discover the utility of being armed, and of not depending on others for your defense. Anyway the only real reason the government is over there is for oil for cronies, not for helping people. Keep in mind that all that killing was triggered by our intervention.

To the stake with the heretic!