Scotsman, watchmaker, instrument designer, he became one of the great unsung benefactors of mankind when in 1775 he patented a design for the first practical flush toilet. Today I got the plumbing parts needed to actually connect my new ivory throne to the Lair’s water, and the bathroom once again resounds to that beautiful noise…
Greatest invention in the history of mankind. I stand – and occasionally sit – in awe of its simple elegance, its ability to make one of life’s most noisome byproducts simply go away, at the press of a small lever.
ETA: You know what feels kinda weird, though? You spend a whole morning pulling out the old crapper, fixing the floor, installing the new one, wait in anticipation for three days until somebody’s going to a store who’ll bring back the plumbing parts you forgot, you finally hook it up and rejoice as it works perfectly … and then you pee on it.
I mean, seriously. Little Bear would do that, but I normally try to set the bar a little higher.
Reading the title, my first thought was “Joel got a diesel?”
That particular plumbing fixture is at the very top of my got keep working list.
And both Ghost and LB agree with you. Fresh water is a basic requirement for healthy dogs…