Once again I must ask the Babylon Bee to stop reporting the news.

FBI Rally In D.C. Ends Without Incident

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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8 Responses to Once again I must ask the Babylon Bee to stop reporting the news.

  1. Steve Walton says:

    That is hilarious!
    And, I have to ask: do they all buy their sunglasses at the same company store?

  2. paulb says:

    Yep. And they get there haircuts in the same place. It was the same way with Nrvn troops back in the day

  3. Mark Matis says:

    This has been the FedPig standard for MANY years now.

  4. Jeff Allen says:

    I always click ‘skip.’ Am I doing it wrong?

  5. Joel says:

    😀 It’s feds all the way down, Jeff.

  6. Retired Cop says:

    I think they are wearing the new RayBan glasses put forward by a cooperation with Facebook. They have two hidden cameras and three microphones. They can record thirty seconds of video, upload it to the cloud and repeat as needed.
    Bet this was a test run.

  7. Dennis Sullivan says:

    They even sent an agent with a man bun. Top two rows on the right.

  8. Kentucky says:

    Department-issue wristwatches. 😉

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