Slow brain day.

The monsoon season, which is normally over by now, almost entirely gave us a miss this year. But it has rained all day today. Never especially hard and sometimes only a drip; the gully to the east of the Lair only ran a little bit in the late morning. But all day. I’ve gone out only to assist in the relief of certain internal pressures inherent in the Corgi physiology.

No adventures have ensued, nor any Deep Thoughts.

Here’s a funny article.

Nation’s Murderous Psychopaths Undecided On Whether They’ll Follow New Gun Laws

Jake Foster, who is planning a shooting spree, expressed similar concerns about the ban on “high-capacity” magazines. “Having to do a shooting spree and reloading after every tenth shot does sound irritating,” said Foster. “Despite the law, I might just use a high-capacity magazine anyway. I guess the question is whether I’m willing to deal with a possible fine on top of the multiple counts of murder.”

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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To the stake with the heretic!