I went with D&L to the Palace of Food yesterday morning and couldn’t help notice that…
…the normally rather sere landscape is looking awfully green and growy this month.
I recognize the need for wet seasons in dry country but (obviously or I wouldn’t live here) part of me never grew up. I don’t like rain, I don’t like having to worry about whether I’m on the right side of a dry wash at any given moment of the day, I don’t like fretting over leaks and flash flood damage. I really despise mud.
But I do like flowers. And right now my yard, which is normally covered with dirt…
…looks like it died and went to the Cotswolds.
I don’t know what this plant is. The flowers look like daisies, though I doubt that’s what they are.
They produce zillions of seeds which can apparently lie dormant for years waiting for a really good soak. A few new plants sprout every year but rarely more than a few. The last time my yard looked like this was eight years ago, when we had a really obnoxiously wet monsoon and all of a sudden all these chest-high plants grew with incredible speed and I had a field of waving daisie-like flowers.
And now they’re showing up everywhere. They’re kind of underfoot. But I like them.
The flower looks like it might be black eyed susan.
Out of context but youall folk need to scroll clear down to the bottom regularly and get some learnin’ . Whole lotta’ good teachin’ there bois .
Ok, but what about your infamous pear tree
Good photos! Seeing life spring up in the environment is rather cool to look at. On the downside, all this green will bring the cows back, which is a real pain in the butt.
They are in the daisy family but have a lot of other names, like black or brown eyed Susan, gloriosa daisy, rudbeckia. They are a drought and heat toleant plant and can grow as an annnual, perennial or biennnial. They are edible after cooking but not raw. The leaves may be soft and edible in spring but then the leaves get coarse, hairy and scratchy and poisonous. Boil up a potful Joel and let us know how they taste, lots of bacon grease and salt. The boiled leaves can be used medically on the skin.
Anonymous @ 11:51: Used on the skin to what end? Do they regrow feet?
TB you make a poultice like your momma and gramma did and put the poultice on acne, boils, cuts, bee stings, athletes foot, nettlerash, dandruff and such. I wouldn’t use it to wash out eyes. Don’t know if it works as a gargle for sore throats or to get rid of lice. Google can tell you if you haven’t got a gramma.