Wow. That’s some detective work right there.

Martin O’Malley is wasted on the prez campaign. We need to get him a rumpled overcoat and a TV show right frickin’ now.

For some reason the NRA has posted no manifestos taking credit. Of course the day is young – maybe unlike these vultures they’re waiting to see what’s really going on.

This is really getting depressing. I first heard word of this one while in Landlady’s powerhouse servicing her batteries – and my first thought before I knew anything was “here we go again.” No matter who does it, no matter where it gets done, you and I are the ones they want to punish.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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6 Responses to Wow. That’s some detective work right there.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tip o’ the hat to Michael Savage for breaking this key detail.

    The attack had barely begun before the local police were given an emergency “Be on the Lookout” message from the FBI asking them to search for one “Faroukh Saeed.”

    Meanhwhile, all the usual fucking clowns are fighting for the microphone to yell at us that “there is no proof that this is terrorism” and “the problem is that we need gun control laws.”

    Dirka dirka jihad! It’s just another case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, I mean, “workplace violence.” Maybe it was angry Japanese holdouts from World War II. Maybe it was some guys from the NRA. It was anything but Arab terrorists, right? And if it was Arabs, it wasn’t anything to do with Islam, it was because of “climate change.” And if they can’t get the “gun control” angle to fly, they’ll bury this story under a thousand idiotic celebrity gossip and sports gossip stories, and stories about the plight of poor misunderstood teenage transgender pedophile furries who might commit suicide, and propaganda about “climate change.” (and, as Mark Steyn has noted, this idiotic bullshit is what we’re going to be talking about when the Iranians nuke us back to the Stone Age)

    Welcome to the future. I predict this will never, ever stop.

  2. Not a bit of what happened today in San Berdoo changed the fact that when seconds count the police are minutes away. (and are you really sure you want them showing up…?) Today’s events pretty much demonstrate this – yet again.

    At one point today it was reported that suspect/s had gone afoot in a nice residential area. There was talk of cordoning off several square blocks and going house to house to check and clear. I guess the authorities texted everyone within the cordon – because it was dutifully reported that they were to ‘shelter in place’. I’d have to think a few converts might have been made made as they reflected on the utility of a 9-iron against an armed intruder.

    If I were in that cordoned area I’d be more concerned about dealing with any check and clear team than I would the killer/s on the lam. Once the latter trespasses – the course is clear. Not as much when dealing with the former.

  3. Mark Matis says:

    Which is why I have hardware to deal appropriately with the former, Plug Nickel Outfit.

    I do not expect to live forever. Do you???

  4. That sounds like a lot of hardware, Mark Matis.

    Perhaps I misunderstand what you mean by ‘hardware’.

    My software expects that dying isn’t much of a living.

  5. Mark Matis says:

    Neither is sucking pig dick, Plug Nickel Outfit. Thought there are plenty in this country who LOVE to do so. A stack of dead pigs sends a message. Some of us take our oath to the Constitution seriously. Unlike the Only Ones.

  6. That sounds downright rude, Mark – but I’ll make an effort here and just assume you meant something else. No need to RSVP – I’m not intending to.

To the stake with the heretic!