Yes, I agree. It’s completely frivolous and meaningless.

On the other hand I don’t have anything else going on so far this morning and need to blog something.

So for the record, according to this five-dimentional policial* compass I have learned the following vital fact about myself:test

*No, I’m not convinced “policial” is a word. But I’m too lazy to look it up.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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18 Responses to Yes, I agree. It’s completely frivolous and meaningless.

  1. That was interesting. Of course, some things were lumped together that required different answers, so “maybe” was the only choice. As with so many of these survey’s the only real answer to most of the questions is: that depends…

    You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Total-Isolationist Cosmopolitan Moderate
    Collectivism score: -83%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -83%
    Tribalism score: -33%
    Liberalism score: 0%

    But I have to laugh that they consider me 100% “authoritarian.” I don’t think any of those questions or the answers mean what they think they mean. How can someone be considered a collectivist, authoritarian and an Objectivist Anarchist at the same time?

    Their definition of “liberal” is probably pretty goofy as well. sigh

  2. Claire says:

    I never knew you and I were so different, Joel. Or (ulp) that I was such a “liberal.” I’ll gladly accept “cosmopolitan libertine” over “liberal,” thank you. But I’d really, really like to know what a “conservative anarchist” is.

    And MamaLiberty, on your rankings, that’s MINUS 100% authoritarian. As far from authoritarian as you can get. Cheers.



    You are a Conservative Anarchist Total-Isolationist Cosmopolitan Libertine

    Collectivism score: -50%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -100%
    Tribalism score: -33%
    Liberalism score: 83%

  3. Jake says:

    @Mamaliberty: That’s a *negative* 100% – as anti authoritarian as you can get. But you’re right, many of the questions are crap.

    I ended up with :

    You are a: Conservative Libertarian Total-Isolationist Bleeding-Heart Progressive
    Collectivism score: -67%
    Authoritarianism score: -67%
    Internationalism score: -100%
    Tribalism score: -83%
    Liberalism score: 50%

    A conservative Libertarian bleeding-heart progressive? That’s like being made of equal parts matter and antimatter – spontaneous self-annihilation is inevitable!

  4. Judy says:


    You are a: Right-Leaning Libertarian Total-Isolationist Cosmopolitan Traditionalist

    Collectivism score: -17%
    Authoritarianism score: -50%
    Internationalism score: -83%
    Tribalism score: -17%
    Liberalism score: -33%

    Not entirely sure what that says about me. How can you be a Total-Isolationist and Cosmopolitan at the same time?

  5. kentucky says:

    You are a: Conservative Anti-Government Total-Isolationist Nativist Reactionary

    Collectivism score: -50%
    Authoritarianism score: -33%
    Internationalism score: -100%
    Tribalism score: 67%
    Liberalism score: -50%

    Not exactly sure what to make of that, but I’ll admit to “reactionary”.


  6. greg says:

    Glad you cleared up the “minus” effect Claire… I thought this pole was a typical lie. 🙂

    You are a: Right-Leaning Anarchist Total-Isolationist Humanist Traditionalist

    Collectivism score: -33%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -100%
    Tribalism score: -67%
    Liberalism score: -33%

  7. Claire says:

    Thanks, greg. I thought the minus percentages was pretty stupid, too. But then, maybe that’s how they do things in “policitias” or whatever country goes with their strange title.


    “You are a: Conservative Anti-Government Total-Isolationist Nativist Reactionary”

    Holy cats, kentucky! You sound like somebody the SPLC wouldn’t like to meet on a dark night!

  8. coloradohermit says:

    I actually have no idea what mine means.

    You are a: Centrist Libertarian Total-Isolationist Nationalist Liberal
    Collectivism score: 0%
    Authoritarianism score: -50%
    Internationalism score: -83%
    Tribalism score: 33%
    Liberalism score: 17%

  9. Mike Soja says:

    You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Isolationist Humanist Moderate
    Collectivism score: -100%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -67%
    Tribalism score: -67%
    Liberalism score: 0%

    I guess I have to get to work on my anti-Tribalism. In the meantime, I denounce myself.

  10. kentucky says:

    Claire, I’d be their worst nightmare.



  11. You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Total-Isolationist Humanist Liberal

    Collectivism score: -100%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -100%
    Tribalism score: -50%
    Liberalism score: 33%

    Too many false choices. Just as one example: “Racial profiling is never a legitimate law enforcement tactic”. I don’t want any enforcers “racial profiling” because I don’t want cops or “laws” for them to enforce. And just because I don’t want a State doing something doesn’t mean I don’t want it being done. Too many choices saying something about “the nation” or “society”, when those things don’t “do” anything.
    And what do they mean by “moral decay”? I think worshiping cops and military are clear signs of moral decay, but I doubt that’s what the author was referring to.

  12. Tennessee Budd says:

    Several I had to answer”maybe” to, just because of sentence structure: “yes” would actually mean the sentence is true, but the sentence said “should never”, so grammatically, I shaould answer “no, I agree that they should never.” Any how, I’m
    You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Isolationist Nativist Moderate
    Collectivism score: -83%
    Authoritarianism score: -83%
    Internationalism score: -67%
    Tribalism score: 50%
    Liberalism score: 0%

    So far, we’ve all had a different answer. Ain’t diversity grand? (no sarcasm intended)

  13. Joel says:

    Yeah, because as you say the questions are so poorly put. I’d get a completely different result if I answered the questions as I believe they’re meant, as opposed to honestly answering the way they’re phrased.

  14. If you start to worry about the grammar, you never get anywhere with these surveys. The grammar is always bad… and I suppose that’s even intentional.

  15. Steve_in_CA says:

    OK, here I am:
    You are a: Conservative Anarchist Total-Isolationist Nationalist Moderate
    Collectivism score: -50%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -83%
    Tribalism score: 33%
    Liberalism score: 0%

  16. It warms my heart heart to see that – with the exception of a few slackers – people have scored so well in the ‘Authoritarianism’ category. Not a great surprise here – but probably exceptional in terms of averages.

    Too many of the questions were based – as others have mentioned – on premises I don’t share. Too, I would probably have to enable my javascript to get a tally on the test – not that important to me.

  17. Buck says:

    You are a: Conservative Anarchist Total-Isolationist Nationalist Liberal

    Collectivism score: -67%
    Authoritarianism score: -100%
    Internationalism score: -100%
    Tribalism score: 33%
    Liberalism score: 17%

    Whatever that means.
    I’m just kinda into the whole policy of leavemealoneandilldothesameforyouism.

  18. Pingback: Finally, A Positive Label For Myself! | Guffaw in AZ

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