Kid, you’re taking me back to the sixties. It’s embarrassing as hell.
Yeah – we were full of shit back then too. Some of us grew out of it. Others became politicians. But you don’t get to build your little utopia on other people’s backs.
I’ve never been happier to be a desert hermit than I am today.
Yep, can’t say that I disagree with you, Joel. I moved the hell out of CONUS all the way to Alaska to get away from it. Mostly worked. Mostly.
So, um, send soy…please?
Who were these guys again? SDS? SLA? Love in anybody? Sad to think I wasted the protest years serving in the Navy…
The soy thing explains a lot of things . I’ve been into natural nutrition for many years and soy has been verboten after the discovery of an overabundance of female estrogens in unfermented soy products such as artificial meat . In other words it’s giving boys titties !
Wow, these demands sure are a flashback to the sixties. I wonder if these folks are enjoying their stay on planet earth.
Instead of CHAZ, they should have named it the Seattle Peoples Autonomous Zone.
SPAZ for short.