This is where your money went, contributors!
Why, it looks positively frou-frou. Next it’ll be demanding that I wipe my feet before I can come in.
Still many details to chase, of course, not the least of which I bought the wrong flashing and that’s kind of important. But it was important six years ago when I built it, too, and the building hasn’t fallen down. In fact, having just sided it with 4X8 sheets, I can report that -for a construction of mine, at least – it’s almost disturbingly square.
Be all that as it may! The Walls…Are…Done! At least in that there’s not a single unpainted surface anywhere. I’ll be doing things like painting the door and windows brown on a slightly less frantic basis.
To those of you who contributed, once again thank you from the bottom of my heart. That OSB really wouldn’t have taken another year of weather, and the Lair will be ever so much easier to heat this coming winter.
I think that was well worth doing Joel. It not only looks great, it really needed to be done.
That looks downright beautiful, Joel! Congratulations on a job well done – in spite of everything.
I know this isn’t what you meant to convey… but you said you’d be painting your windows brown? Or just the window frames? Seems painting the windows would make it awful dark in there. LOL I know – I’m such a literalist. But it just struck me funny.
Looking quite elegant, especially the door trim. I can’t imagine how good the progress must feel to have that big chore off the list!!
Thought I might go ahead and leave the actual windows clear, ML. 🙂
Good plan. LOL I just had to give you a hard time about that one. 🙂
Joel, that looks great. Good job!!!
Congratulations Joel, on completing this very needed and very tedious work. Your photos showed how the OSB was falling apart. So happy to see your progress and to know you will be more comfortable summer and winter through many years to come of cedar rat hermit reclusive living.
Now . . . it cries out for a full-width front porch.
No kidding . . . it does.
I’ll go quietly . . .
Looks good Joel,congrats on a job well done.
Now you need a big terra cotta pot with a big cactus in it right beside your stairs. Or maybe a macrame fern hanging from your awning. It would be FABULOUS.