Battery Minder Update…

Well, this morning the solid green “charging” light became a blinking green “maintenance (floating)” light, so I dug out my multimeter to see where we were.

Hm. Could be better. It read 12.84 when I first disconnected the minder, and swiftly dropped into the 12.7 range. After the battery has had a chance to rest, I’ve a feeling it’s not going to be too pretty. This may take several applications.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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3 Responses to Battery Minder Update…

  1. Anonymous says:

    The blinking green light means the main charging has finished and the desulphating part has begun.

    Give it a week or three, then test. It took a few years to toast these batteries, it will take a few weeks or months to repair them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Plus you need to put the battery under load to know if it is really good or not.

    Some older batteries will have marginal cells. They read the proper voltage until under load, then that cell stops working. It will drop the under load voltage down into the 11 range pretty quickly.

    However, if you’ve got the time patience doesn’t cost much…

  3. Joel says:

    Oh! Okay. The manual was unclear, or maybe the fact I read it late at night is relevant. Thanks, I’ll do that.

    I’ve already got the battery back on the gadget anyway, on the theory that more couldn’t be worse.

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