House fires, too, I guess. Though burning your own house down takes extra levels of dumb.
A total of 16 fire personnel were called to put out the fire, which caused $150,000 in losses to the structure and $50,000 worth of contents, Russell said.
The occupant said he’d put some wood stove ashes in a metal bucket on the back deck two or three days earlier. On Thursday, Russell said, he moved the ashes to the plastic garbage can on the deck, thinking they were cold and dead out.
h/t to JP
As did my neighbor, a retired Navy fireman. Burned the sucker down he did.
What’s so hard about pouring some water into the ash can? It’s what my dad taught me to do. It’s what his mother taught him to do.
Water, on ashes, to stop combustion. It’s such a radical concept.
It’s difficult to have TO MUCH of ammunition, fuel, or money. Pick two out of three.
“two or three days earlier”
That’s what I call really banking the fire.
Betcha he fibbed just a little. By about two or three days.
And yes, dammit, I did kinda catch my house on fire but it was a totally different situation. I put it out myself. Eyebrows grow back. And I think the cat eventually forgave me…
I’m thinking that the OLDEST ashes in that bucket were 2 or 3 days old.
thats actually really really common. At least a couple such fires make the news up here every year, and I have no doubt that there’s others that don’t make the news. I don’t personally get it, its not that hard to make sure that your ash bucket is set on a non-flammable surface…..