First moisture in like a month.

Woke to high wind, which is probably when this wet white stuff dropped. The sky looks like it has cleared except for a high haze, won’t know for sure till the sun comes up. But it’s shirtsleeve weather in the Lair after less than an hour from the woodstove, and that hasn’t happened since maybe November. Outside temp never got below 30, if you can believe it.

Glad it happened this morning and not yesterday, because changing truck tires in the rain is getting too close to misery for an old man.

I got a text from another neighbor yesterday afternoon, offering me what looks like a nice chair that might be a good replacement for the old recliner. I begged off till today because I had to go help unload and stack a whole bunch of hay at D&L’s, and wrestling furniture after that was not going to be a welcome chore. So we’ll do that little adventure later. This same guy tried to give me another chair a couple of years ago and I begged off because it was this great huge thing that would have taken over the Lair. So we’ll see if this one is coming home with me.

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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