The Leghorns aren’t babies anymore…
…and they’re starting to produce eggs. Small eggs and their production is still sporadic, but I believe I can officially stop buying eggs at the store now…
But like all new hens they haven’t gotten the hang of what the nesting boxes are for. They lurch between finding the most sheltered and sneaky places possible to keep the Bad Man from taking them, or just pooping them out wherever they happen to be standing when the urge strikes.
Yesterday I had to move one of the grain barrels closer to its corner to stop hens from laying eggs behind it. In doing that I got the barrel too close to the wall and didn’t properly fasten the cover. Came in this morning to find the cover on the ground and a little gift inside…
Joel, I cannot imagine you do not already know this: when you find an errant egg, put it in the nesting box for the day. Do that for a few days with any strayed eggs, and your chickens should be properly using the nesting boxes. I have often wondered if chickens have built-in GPS. Anyway, hope the egg layers find their proper places ASAP. They all look healthy and happy and quite relaxed in your presence. Congratulations on this excellent source of healthy protein. Hello to TB for me. **