“Meritocracy is a myth,” says the unprivileged chick at Princeton.



The reality is as follows: White men are the only ones who have been afforded political and social rights since the founding of this country.

I feel so damn sorry for you, struggling bravely as you do to emerge victorious from the oppression you suffer as an upper-middle-class black chick er, young person at a university whose location I didn’t even know at your age. Verily you’re so downtrodden, being a woman of color with the luxury of blowing a ride at Princeton on “certificates in African American Studies and American Studies,” whatever the hell that is. Truly, I wish you the fortitude and courage to overcome all your many disadvantages, you poor put-upon waif.

Now if you’ll excuse me, you pampered, whining brat, I’ll just go back to enjoying all the benefits my white male privilege has brought me.
privileged racoon

About Joel

You shouldn't ask these questions of a paranoid recluse, you know.
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14 Responses to “Meritocracy is a myth,” says the unprivileged chick at Princeton.

  1. Tennessee Budd says:

    Well, that IS why you have a Secret Desert Lair, right? You have to start somewhere, & you’ve got the base established. Woe unto you, sufferers under Pell grant, servants under scholarships, you shall be made free of such burdens!
    And you’ll have to make your own way, with the knowledge of the world you have gained. I give you a month, optomistically.

  2. Wolfman says:

    Yeah… pretty much, yeah. I’m a full-time Dad, most recently a carpenter, I grew up on a farm in a state that STILL has logged a million full time residents, and I’ve worked like a dog for every dime I’ve made since I was 12. All this, and yet somehow all this crap that a person attending a $60,000 dollar a year school, three thousand miles away from me, has to deal with is, by current definition, ‘My Fault’. No. Now go bitch to someone else how the evil patriarchal bastard is keeping you down- it ain’t me, babe, it ain’t me you’re lookin for.

  3. MamaLiberty says:

    Stupid girl. She’s not even likely to find a burger flipper job, since robots will soon be taking up the slack because they don’t require $15. an hour. I can’t imagine she’ll find much use for her “certificates in African American Studies and American Studies,” whatever the hell that is.”

    And that, of course, with her feeble powers of thought, will confirm to her that she’s been discriminated against.

  4. Expat says:

    Well to be fair to the twit, there is none more ignorant (as opposed to stupid) as an Ivy League freshman, or is that freshperson?

  5. Geoff Ross says:

    She will probably end up working in some alphabet agency of the Federal Government making policy decisions that affect all of us. Our Government is run by these types, unelected bureaucrats who draw up regulations to burden the producers.

  6. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Of course this is what she believes. This is what they teach in the hate studies classes (commonly referred to as black studies). Can you imagine wasting 4 years at a prestigious college and taking black studies??? What is it she aspires to? Let’s be honest the only reason she is there taking some real and qualified students place is BECAUSE she is black. White privilage my ass!

  7. clarence says:

    per their website, the average student grant ( money you don’t have to pay back) is around $40,000. that much money (just one year’s grant) could keep me fed for the rest of my life! and this female is bitching about her entitlement? we are freaking doomed…..

  8. Matt says:

    Funny timing. I was thinking of my white male prior ledge just this morning as I was changing the diaper of my white male privileged grandson. I am pretty sure he will grow,out of that stage of life, to bad Princeton students don’t. My whit male privilege is babysitting because his parents work three jobs and can’t afford a government qualified sitter because all those non-privileged Princeton grads screwed up the economy so bad they can’t find decent work. Maybe if they had certificates in black studies they could get decent work.

  9. Goober says:

    I take a more nuanced approach to the whole “white privilege” discussion.

    I will accept that I have white privilege. I suspect that if I were black, there would have been more obstacles in my pathway to success. I believe that with all of my heart, and I can’t, for the life of me, believe that, but then refuse to believe that white privilege is a thing. It would be contradictory.

    The issue is that this “white privilege” is being blamed on the wrong people, for the wrong reasons. The privilege is not the fault of white men. I suspect that very few white people are either consciously or unconsciously working to keep black men down.

    The reasons that I believe that I have White Privilege are myriad:

    I was raised by two married parents, outside of a culture where single motherhood, and the inevitable poverty of single motherhood, was the social norm.

    I was raised outside of crime ridden urban centers.

    I was not raised in a culture that punished success by calling me an “outsider”, an “Uncle Tom” or an “Oreo” if I succeeded.

    I was not raised in a culture that glorified the thug life as an ideal.

    I was raised in a culture that glorified hard work, rewarded good work ethic, and based success or failure on the merits of the person, instead of the color of his skin.

    Do all of these things give me an advantage in the real world? Hell yes they do, and it was my privilege to experience them all.

    I think that this woman would agree with me when I say that all of these things are what cause my white privilege, but would only disagree with me when I claim that those things being barriers to success are NOT the fault of white men. She would claim that it is the responsibility of white men to move past the “meritocracy,” where we base our opinions of a person not on their criminal record, their composure, their ethics, their hard work, and their value to my organization as an employee, but rather, on the color of their skin.

    She wouldn’t argue that it is racist that black people face these conditions, but rather that it is racist that a person raised under these conditions would not be seen as valuable to the “white” world. She thinks we should find a place for thugs who have zero impulse control in our society.

    Dr. Martin Luther King would roll over in his grave if he could listen to this nitwit blather on.

  10. Joel says:

    Amen and well said.

  11. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Goober; I will take you at your word that you believe in white privilage. You have stated as your reasons that blacks live in inner cities where life is tough etc., etc. Perhaps you are young and have never lived in an inner city before it became an all black nieghborhood. Let me tell you that typically these inner cities are beautiful old homes and nice tree lined streets that were pretty safe to walk at night and your children’s worst risk was skinned knees from playing. After these pretty nice inner cities become predominently black everything changes. You dare not walk the streets at night because black teens are looking for somene to rob our just to beat up for sport. The houses begin to deterioate and often are intenionaly damaged by the very people renting them simply because they don’t give a shit for anything. After enough time passes these inner cities are indeed unliveable, the houses are falling apart and you would have to be nuts to enter these areas. How did that happen? Was it white privilage? Most of these areas endured whites, italians, jews, Irish and all kinds of immigrants and cultures without falling apart. What happened then that is so different with black nieghborhoods? In a nutshell it is the lack of family, that is unmarried “professional” welfare mothers raising children she neither cares to watch over or raise correctly and drugs and alcohol. This all went supersonic in the early 60’s with the massive increase in welfare and simutaneoulsy the increase in black entitlement. Was that the fault of white privilage? No! It was mostly the fault of crazy liberal thinking and black activism runnng out of actual discrimination to rail against so they had to fabricate and insinuate new things to complain about which of course required that they convince their tribe that they were all victims of “something”. Every person in this country is presented with the best array of opportunities in the world and the best country in the world to exploit those opportunities. Some choose instead to do drugs, drink and screw and the pay isn’t good enough so they must invent something to whine about so the liberal nutjobs in office will take money from hard working people and pay these entitled whining jackasses to do drugs, drink and screw. The more you screw the more little entitled welfare babies you have and then you can drink more, do drugs and screw more.

    White privilage is yur privilage to pay for it all…

  12. Joel says:

    I was in Detroit and watched all that happen to my very own neighborhood. Twice, in fact. But I don’t see how any of it rebuts anything Goober said.

  13. PJ says:

    People born attractive are privileged. Do they have some obligation to those born otherwise? Should they pay an “attractiveness tax” to supply the unattractive with makeup and plastic surgery?

    Privilege does exist in the world. The question is not whether it exists, but what (if anything) should be done about it. Anyone who thinks government is a remedy to this “problem” is a complete idiot, and should sue the Department of African American Studies for neglecting their duty to inform their students of this fact.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Michelle? Is that you?

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