Should have named him Dozer.
So this morning I finally took myself and a few tools and one very eager puppy back to finish repairing the paper target rack…
…while Tobie went immediately back to his self-imposed chore. Points for determination: That bush must die.
Since my next range-related task involves bush removal in the wake of all the water they’ve gotten this summer, this was actually somewhat useful for once.
And he was certainly pleased with himself.
I expected he would lie down in the shady not-as-hot semi-subterranean spot he created. He does look pleased with his efforts, though.
Two observations, digging down and making a comfy indent to lie down in, dog size in the cooler dirt with a little shade is a time honored action by k9s. the other is that there might be mice or other critters living down under there. Either way, it burns off energy and makes for a contented mutt.