Okay, it’s 4:30 in the frickin’ AM and I’m staring at this screen with a zombie-like open-mouthed moronic expression but apparently just at this point in the day I can move some photographs around. I dunno: Something in atmospheric conditions for the past few days hates the thought of communications between a cell tower and a smartphone. Excuse me, the teapot is whistling and I really need coffee.
Okay, that’s done. Let’s try this.
(ahem) The Gulch’s Boot Hill got its fence yesterday! At last!
This stuff has been sitting in boxes on a flatbed trailer for quite a while. The project got pushed back two weeks because of weather cancelling Landlady’s last visit. Hey, it’s December. But yesterday was nice, lack of connectivity notwithstanding, and Landlady, S&L and myself got it done in a couple of hours.
And it came out quite well, really. It’s nice and square and the sides are straight. My only unique contribution was cutting off some juniper branches to make room, otherwise I just held stuff for other people who were actually constructive.
In the fullness of time I expect to spend quite a lot of time there. Starting a long long time from now.
That’s just beautiful. Fine job all around.
It looks good and as for me, I sincerely hope that when you take up residence it’s a very, very long time from now.
Very nice fence!